Fiona Rogers - Celebrant

I’m Fiona and have held this amazing job as a Celebrant for over 10 years. Being the proud owner of Fiona Rogers Celebrancy  & Divine Hair and Makeup, it has given me the privilege of being part of the morning fun of getting my brides ready then watching them walk down the aisle to the love of their life. After Marrying more than 500 couples I still get Goose bumps when I see the groom look at his beautiful bride.

I love my unique job and have the experience to create the perfect bespoke ceremony for you and your partner. I will guide you every step of the way, considering all legal requirements necessary, whilst keeping your ceremony heart felt and meaningful.

My wish is to make you happy so if you require one, or all three of my services please let me know by filling out the information on my contact page. If you are looking at a destination wedding/elopement……….this is my specialty and would love to assist you in every step of the way.